In recent times more and more investigations on early centuries of Christianity are carried out. Many artifacts are found. Archaeologists and theologians make every effort to discover more information about early times. Unfortunately, their findings often do not correspond to the Bible. This brings disputes and encourages more researches on the issues. Therefore, it is necessary to look into some of the newest findings and the difference to the Bible. Besides, exploring the Bible’s process of canonization would also assist us to see the wonder of the Bible.
This year our
Other than this misleading "gospel of Judas", Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code had shocked us since its release two years ago. This is a thriller which somehow grabbed many people's attention. The novel made an attempt to uncover the true story of Jesus which has been concealed by church for decades. For example, it is said that the Last Supper painting from Leonardo Da Vinci contained some codes which alleged that Jesus were married to Mary Magdalene. Furthermore, Brown also imagined that Mary was pregnant when Jesus was crucified. This book is strikingly contrary to the Bible in an outrageous manner. There has never been mentioned or indicated in any way throughout the New Testament that Jesus was ever married. As for Mary Magdalene, she was obviously one of His followers whose sins had been forgiven.
What we are currently faced with is that the "gospel of Judas" and DVC book had completely distorted the history of Christianity which are simply two of the many ways to make headlines as well as commercial advantages . On the other hand, our tasks are even heftier that we must learn harder and know the real truth so as not to let our faith undermined by such silly distractions. The Bible comprising the Old Testament and New Testament is the only basis and foundation for Christian teaching. It was written by 40 persons of different professions in different times. However, all the books in the Bible refer to a single theme which is God's salvation plan and His redemption of the lost humankind. It is so astonishing yet convincing that we can conclude that these 40 authors were all directed and guided by an Authority namely the Holy Spirit, God Himself. Thus the Bible is solid, reliable and trustworthy.
While there is no empirical evidence of claims made by those fictitious stuff and "new" discovery whatsoever, there emerged an important lesson that we can draw. That is, they have presented a good opportunity to us in sharing the Good News and the true biblical facts with surrounding friends or family, either nonbelievers or believers in the border of their faith. (PK)
Tiwi my dear, it quite took a long time to understand what u write about (forgive my poor in english). But i'll send my next-nice comment after reading completely. Well.. waiting for ur next master piece, although religion is paramount topic, but Indonesia needs ur contribution in economics too.. Keep the spirit on sist..
ReplyDeletebetul,tul,indri..masalah hati, mslh berhub dgn Tuhan.Dan ketika kita beneran berhubungn dgnNYA more and more,kita lebih ngerti ttg diriNYA and hikmatNYA (dan ini bs jd yg org sering blg sbg doktrin).Jd ga terpisahkan antara hubungan dgn Tuhan dan doktrin yg kita pegang.Start from the foundation:Bible,dalami itu dulu,sejarahnya,dsb.Stlh itu br liat teori2 para pemikir hebat dunia ini.Jgn dibalik yah..You can't assess the bible with any theory you pick up somewhere in this world.